
To simultaneously defecate (shit) and ejaculate (cum) out of either pleasure or sheer anger, and in extreme cases, fear.

Can also be used as a verb; “shumming
Oh fuck. My mom found the shum bucket.

Oh fuck. I’m shumming.
by LilPeePeeAssociates January 4, 2021
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To shit and cum at the same time. This usually occurs when the victim is listening to beautiful music or is overcome by intense feelings of pleasure and emotion. Another occurrence is when you're jerking off and taking a shit on the toilet at the same time.
I shummed myself at the pink floyd concert when the comfortably numb guitar solo started

I just took a nice shum in your toilet
by dillskin April 7, 2011
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When a male ejaculates into another person’s anus, and the receiver goes to the toilet & out comes the shum. The mix of the sperm & poo isn’t ‘cum’, it’s ‘Shum’. Shit and cum.
‘Oh wow! I just been to the loo after he fucked me in the arse, and SO much shum poured out!’
by Natalienoonah January 13, 2020
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Hello Mr. Shum, how can I be of service today?
by JennyChan March 12, 2008
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Often occurs after unprotected anal. A mixture of shit and cum will seep from the back passgae, or, shum.
Last night I took her up the ass and when I pulled out she shummed all over the sheets.
by Lassie. March 5, 2010
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You can say "shum" after a person coughs to acknowledge that you are not bothered by the cough, and that you hope they are okay

It is pronounced: sh-UM

It is inspired by the calming "uhm" sound that is soothing to others when they are coughing
John: *coughs*
Henry: Shum to acknowledge John's cough
by rootone March 17, 2022
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Masturbating while taking a shit.

Comes from the words shit and cum mixed together.
Hey bro where are you going?”
“I'm going to the bathroom to take a shum.”
by Bobismybro232 August 16, 2020
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