A New Zealand term, originating in Hawkes Bay, meaning very large. Often used to describe someone who is bulky.
The guy in the red shirt at the gym was shmall
by kah00tin_putin November 1, 2020
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That is a shmall atom.
by Shmall November 23, 2021
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1. The opposite of small
2.A muscular person

This is a term created by the best college in wellington, St. Pat's College
1."shmall amount of homework"

2."tehehehe, sole! look at dat shmall dunkens"
by Nasret June 19, 2008
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A friend most people realise they need until it's too late. This friend brings the vibes, love and passion in all that he/does.
Alex: Everyone seems to like you
Zee: Nah, I'm just the Shmalls right noe
by Barbarqueshibabuu January 7, 2020
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