Shit Bagger

A dog owner carrying a see-through bag of shit while walking their dog. Though they are being responsible by picking up their dog's crap, nevertheless, they are walking around with a bag of nasty shit in their hands!
Why do shit baggers use clear bags to pick up after their dogs?
by Macphilia June 14, 2009
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A comment made to someone with very ugly face
by TUBE 666 November 16, 2006
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A term refered to shitty ass drummers who have trouble getting accepted to Berklee college of music
Austin is such a shit bagger he cant even keep a steady 4/4 rythem while laying down a nice easy 6 on the floor, What an Idiot!
by jammal June 20, 2007
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shit bagger

n., One who shit bags


'Shit bag' derives from the Latin 'shitius baggus', which in early Roman tragic theatre represented the potential to spoil a positive scene. The shit bag would be hurled at an actor at random.

The colour brown has since been associated with shit-bagging.
"I can't believe what a shit bagger Gitch is."

(verb) "Don't fucking shit bag me again Gootch."

(v., past) "Gotam Dave Bhardwaj shitbagged everyone."
by Dave Bhardwaj December 1, 2009
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