A term used by arrogant twats to elicit an angered response from those they are referring to. It makes them feel superior to be one of the few truly "in the know".
It suggests that the peope being referred somehow have less education o a particular subject, follow only mainstream media, and are gullible. This of course is often a completely unsubstantiated claim.
1990's - You're fools! Global Warming will kill us all, but you're too busy consuming and polluting listening to whatever the news will tell you. ENJOY YOUR LIES SHEEPLE!

same person later

2000's - You're fools! There's no such thing as Global Warming! You're too busy listening to Al Gore and whatever these so called "green" companies say not realizing they're just after your money! ENJOY YOUR LIES SHEEPLE!
by nanomousy October 15, 2009
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Two words combined in a desperate attempt to sound clever, most often thrown around by people who fit the definition of the very thing they're railing against.
I know the TRUTH! The Government is run by evil international reptilian Zionist aliens from planet X! Listen to <insert right-wing nutjob demagogue's name here>! He speaks the truth! Don't think so? HA! Clearly you're all a bunch of sheeple!
by Nihilord July 6, 2010
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An individual following blindly, ignoring the real consequences of their actions, or beliefs.
The Sheepl will continue to follow blindly, ignoring the true consequences to their actions.
by rt clark December 2, 2007
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Term used by the newly enlightened to describe people who "don't get it" according to the user. A way to put down other people based upon totally subjective criteria.
"Oh look at those sheeple voting for Kerry. They don't know what I know. I'm so above them. It's nice to know I'm better than most people. Isn't life grand, yet so tragic."
by Bronco September 26, 2005
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The worst neologism in the history of the English language, use of which will derail any serious argument and make the user look like a moron.
Do not use "sheeple" in any place it could not be replaced by "sheep people." Since no sane person would ever write a sentence using "sheep people," NEVER USE "SHEEPLE."
by The English Language September 26, 2007
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This sheeple like #selfie (#I'manasshat)
by runhard27 July 26, 2016
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sheep people: those who follow like a sheep every trend and fad.
My!!, this whole mundo-trasho world is full of trashisocrats,steerage-class and sheeple who only need the 'baah,baah' sound effest effect to complete the task!
by hytham_hammer August 1, 2005
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