by queen cece January 30, 2011
dude: “damn, that crackhead’s banned from the store?”
other dude: “yeah but he stands in the door and asks us to grab him a pepsi because he’s not technically in the store”
other dude: “lool he’s shakin it”
other dude: “yeah but he stands in the door and asks us to grab him a pepsi because he’s not technically in the store”
other dude: “lool he’s shakin it”
by discluded March 25, 2022
another word for cool, awesome, spectacular, fantastic, kickass, or jizzeriffic. its the best word ever! it's soon to become the most popular word in the southeast region of the United States.
by Will NNenchinsonnnnnnnnnnnn! March 14, 2009
Another name for man boobs or otherwise known as "Moobs" especially when the man is doing physical activity and the Shakin' Cubas are moving.
moobs boobs boobies
moobs boobs boobies
"oh man,that guy shouldn't be jump roping! his Shakin' Cubas are all over the place!"
"That guy needs to get a sports bra, his Shakin' Cubas are hanging out!"
"Dude! Get off me! your Shakin' Cubas are all up in my face!"
shaking cuba
"That guy needs to get a sports bra, his Shakin' Cubas are hanging out!"
"Dude! Get off me! your Shakin' Cubas are all up in my face!"
shaking cuba
by laurenlikespie April 16, 2009
Get the whats shakin mug.
by BrizzleT420 April 4, 2006