to be exhausted from sex
i'm suffering from extreme sexhaustion after last night...
by Valerie Bananas September 2, 2005
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When one has engaged in copulation for so long that they become exhausted. This may be in a few seconds for fat folk, or considerably longer for the Olympians out there
Girl: Can't we go again? Just for 5 more minutes?

Guy: Sorry Baby, I'm sexhausted. Wake me up in a few hours with a bacon sandwich to replenish my strength, then we'll talk.
by gonzo89cb April 3, 2010
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The immediate feeling of fatigue following sex, especially really amazing sex.
"Wow, that was sexhausting. Wanna smoke a cigarette?"

"I was gonna make him a sandwich afterwards but we were both way too sexhausted."
by acantakeheron November 7, 2011
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when you're tired from sex
I just sexed, so now I'm sexhausted.
by dirty_jimmy October 23, 2013
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1. The post-sex stench that one must stifle with cologne, perfume, incense, etc..

2.(Past tense verb) "Sexhausted":
One who is thoroughly tired from large amounts of sex.
1. "Man, light something. This sexhaust is making me horny."

2. "...No I can't, Love. I'm too sexhausted."
by Captain Uggmutt January 21, 2005
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(n) state of exhaustion due to copious amounts of sexual activity.

other spelling:
i can't make it out tonight; i'm sexhausted.
by Lfrey April 25, 2006
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hittin' the skins til they sore.
Samantha: "I don't know if I can take anymore of this"

Amy: "what's going on, everything OK?"

Samantha: "Yeah, but Dean has been keeping me up all night for the past 4 days. I'm sexhausted!"

Amy: "Don't even try it, you expect me to feel sorry for you? I've got cobwebs down south"
by DDMMTT January 18, 2011
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