A black actor who's appeared in just about every movie. Ever.
When in doubt, cast Samuel L. Jackson in a supporting or leading role.
by little geek July 9, 2005
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A God among mere mortals, Samuel L Jackson is pissed off all the time and is constantly kicking ass. He does not talk. He only yells. He is the defender of all things awesome. Samuel L Jackson particularly enjoys killing Snakes, usually on Planes. No one crosses Samuel L Jackson and lives to tell about it. He is partners with Chuck Norris.
Samuel L Jackson: (yelling) Enough is Enough! I want these mother fuckin' snakes off my mother fuckin' plane! Everybody hold on. I'm gonna open the fuckin' window.
by woots September 4, 2006
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He's the guy that plays every black person in every movie ever.
"Hey man who's that guy that plays that black guy in that movie?"
"Probably Samuel L. Jackson"
"What about that other movie where the dude died and the guys did the stuff?"
"Samuel L. Jackson again man."
by Unwoven Sleeve June 7, 2016
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1)Hardest working actor in Hollywood. The one nigga in H-wood you don't wanna f**k with!

2)A beer that'll "get ya drunk!!!"
1) See "Pulp Fiction," "Jackie Brown" and "Shaft," to see why he's is a bad mutha!

2)"UMM-UMM, bitch!"
by B-Money July 25, 2004
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Have you not noticed that he is in every movie?
person 1: whos in that movie?
person 2: i dont know, but i bet samuel l jackson is.
by al kickyourass April 1, 2006
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