Similar, the same as...

Related to "same same but different."

Part of the dialect of English spoken in Thailand, especially by Thai people working in the tourism sector.
Bangkok same same London.
by Bahuyuddh April 30, 2007
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I first heard it during the Vietnam War in the 60s
It's still used quite extensively throughout Vietnam by Vietnamese as well as Australian and US ex-servicemen.
Having said that, I am noticing younger generations of tourists becoming quite enamoured by the same same.

How do you feel?
Same same yesterday.

What's the difference between these two beers.
Same same.

All Vietnamese same same... black hair, brown eyes.
by EverardG February 7, 2014
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Is the beer better in that bar over there? No, same same as here.
by Andromeda2803 July 10, 2019
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it means same , but told in a exaggerated way .When you want to tell someone how you and the other person have something in common , you can tell this
girl:i have blue shoes
another girl:aye same same
by alokhegdumdums July 8, 2021
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A phrase made famous by the drunken L.B. of Juniata College. The term is used as a way of expressing emotion when no other words can possibly be uttered due to the high amount of intoxication.
"Hey what did you think about that girl that just walked by?"
"Same, Same Same."
by Same, Sameeeee May 1, 2016
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Unique to FB. Same same is The longest abreivation in the world.

It means Same
#everyone has a mate with a horse head. meme it with a pic of a horse, and Same same it

# A friend looks like someone famous, Same same that mo fo.
# I like peas, you like Beans. Same same
by Freyfear September 24, 2016
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