The even better version of a Sam. Remember to always put extra emphasis on the A. They're a stronger sam!
Sam, stop being such a Saam! It's too overpowered!
by Sarfnic October 24, 2020
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"Damn Sam did you see your name in that email the dean sent out?", "Screw you man that said SAAM not Sam".
by FlexG0D April 3, 2019
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A beautiful black human being who came to earth after world war 2.
Saam is a very sexy human being with black skin.
Saam you.
by Saampoo August 28, 2019
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Emilia Saams is one of the best people I know and one of the most important people to me. She never fails to make me laugh and she always has a smile on her face. AND SHE REALLY LOVES FOOD. If you ever find someone like her in your life hold them close and never let them go. Yo Emilia if you find this the person who sits across from you in third period wrote this. Hope yo like it - from little_br0wnb0y
Yooo is that Emilia Saams bro I would do anything to be friends with her
by Little_br0wnb0y January 15, 2019
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