Used when somebody else is or may be fucking with you.
Joe: "Bro where's the cheesecake?"
Jamal: "Gone."
Joe: "Are you shitting on my dick?"
Jamal: "No dude."

Doctor: "It appears you have stage 9 cancer and will probably die soon."
Patient: "Seriously?"
Doctor: "Naw just shitting on your dick."
by Yoman1289 April 24, 2011
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a) an exclamatory phrase used to portray any and all emotions, or lack thereof.

b) the extremely overused but beloved saying created by Rico 'Optimus Prime' Restirino.

c) often followed by the phrase 'n shit.

d) The awkward literal meaning, which refers to feces, and genitalia. (usually after fucking a bitch in her ass)
Derek: Rico you just got ur head blown off in CoD 5.
Rico: yeah i suck
Nate: Shit on ur dick rico
Rico: yeahhh shit all over my dick 'n shit


*just stubbed toe*
"Shit on my dick!!"

*just fucked a bitch in the ass*
"Shit on my dick! anal is DIRTY"
by TheGorillaMist January 5, 2009
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To express disgust or frustration to someone/something.
Stacy: Someone poked a hole in the condom!

Chris: Well shit on my dick!
by Quadzy December 15, 2014
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Prison slang referring to anal sex.
"Shit on my dick or blood on my blade." In the film "Cruising".
by raydio February 17, 2006
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Phrase for showing dissappointment or anger toward a situation, simliar to "fuck me susan".
Max: Hurry up i gotta be at work in 5 minutes.
Dan: Fuck, im out of gas.
Max: Shit on my dick!
by TrippinBallz July 16, 2008
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An alternate name for the popular dice game of Yahtzee.

Used to substitute the game name and the combination of five of the same number when the dice are rolled.

Note: Yahtzee may also be alternately named "Bukkake."
"Hey guys, you wanna play a round of 'Shit On My Dick?'"

Player 1: *rolls five 3's*

Everyone (in unison): "SHIT ON MY DICK!!!!!"
by Gatsby UNH May 12, 2011
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