Simulational Demo Driving Development is a process of software design and development. There is a full but not complete disign and discuss before development.
SDDD is a good process of software development.
by linyouyao March 6, 2010
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wasn't that nigga wearing that outfit on Saturday

it's been three days now and he's been wearing the same drip

damn that's SDDD
by Betee June 28, 2022
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Senior Developer Driven Development. When you're one and only goal is to become a sick senior dev, so your code is tight and clean, ripe for promotion.
"Mate, screw TDD, SDDD is where its at"
by AppleXY January 31, 2021
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"Super Dumb Distraction Disorder"

Someone who is distracted easily by dumb things.
Person A: "She was totally distracted by that scratch on the screen while we were watching the movie"

Person B:"I know, she totally has SDDD"
by mmmmmmwy(beh October 26, 2020
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