When a guy has his penis in a womans vagina, sticks his hand up her ass, and masturbates himself through the membrane between the two cavities.
Opposite to Velvet Glove.
Opposite to Velvet Glove.
by moobags February 5, 2010
The act of having gloved hands shoved violently up ones' anus. Usually forms part of a sexual act, or an airport search.
Jen kept setting the metal detector off at the airport, before she was taken away for a strip search. She vehemently denied ever being rubber gloved.
by Gumba Gumba August 3, 2004
by Random person16388472737jkl February 23, 2014
A rubber glove is a plastic, a rubber, a condom that is used to beat up pussy. The phrase comes from a bay area rapper known as Watzreal.
I put my rubber glove on and beat that pussy up.
by Watzreal October 6, 2006
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 May 30, 2021
A glove that goes on the hands, mostly blue in color, and mostly used in the medical field for sanitary reasons.
by Anonymous35927 March 8, 2021
When you bring back a bird to your house only to find that you have run out of c*ndoms and the only thing you can find in the house as an emergency alternative are your mothers rubber washing up kitchen gloves.
My mum felt a strange wet sensation when she tried on her washing up gloves yesterday. I had done a rubber glove love session in them.
by The Smart Ass June 21, 2015