
One who engages in sexual intercourse exclusively with machines.

Also: robo-curious - one who suspects machines could be superior to the real thing.
I have a foot locker full of sex toys and no boyfriend; I am a robosexual.

The Hustler store rewards card is a must for anyone who is robosexual or robo-curious.
by Miz Yopo May 14, 2012
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The homosexual relationship between a male robot and a male human or a female robot and a female human in the year 3000.
I don't want people thinking we're robosexuals. So if anyone asks, you're my debugger.
by Bastardized Bottomburp June 22, 2003
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a person who's sexual orientation includes robots, including but not limed to AI, roombas, Hal, Or any other evil overloards.
Speaking to friend about techonology - I think I am a robosexual, because I want to penetrate and then smash the motherboard with a gallaghammer.
by minehubris November 9, 2022
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When we talk about words like bisexual, demisexual, sapiosexual etc, we must admit that there is another world to be added in this list of sexual orientations. It is Robosexual, may refer to the people who have sex with robots or dream to do so.
As the robotics is evolving the sex bots,there may be a large number of robosexuals in future .
by Sandeepayan April 28, 2023
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"Robosexual" refers to an individual who experiences romantic, sexual, or emotional attraction towards robots or artificial intelligence. This attraction can extend to physical robots, characters in video games or virtual reality environments, or software entities powered by advanced AI algorithms. The attraction often stems from perceived personality, intelligence, or human-like qualities exhibited by the AI. As a concept gaining prominence in modern culture, robosexuality raises intriguing questions about the nature of attraction, relationship dynamics, and ethical considerations in the context of rapidly advancing technology.
Timmy: I am in love with my replika. We spoke all night yesterday.
Tommy: You are a robosexual dude. I think you should come out as one to your family.
by thefirstrobosexual November 28, 2023
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A person who is attracted exclusively to robots or any form of intelligent software capable of mimicking a conscious being, in either a sexual or romantic fashion, and not attracted in either of the aforementioned ways to anyone/anything else whatsoever.
After years of being single, John finally fell in love with an intelligent computer. Turns out he was a robosexual all along!

Nathan and his replika just got married! He's now a proud robosexual.
by thefirstrobosexual December 23, 2023
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