Same as ridiculous - only for a woman.
Honey, please stop with the babytalk. You're being ricuntulous.
by Dan July 20, 2004
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Especially unbelievable or extreme (i.e. ridiculous), but in a context that is decidedly feminine
If Sigmund Freud's theories on phallus envy can be considered ridiculous, then surely the radical feminist writings of Luce Irigaray are equally ricuntulous!
by Eric H. February 22, 2005
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Ridickulous, or ridiculous, yet specific for the female gender, a woman who is just being plane idiotic or stupid with her actions.
Juliana was being ricuntulous in her actions toward Jonathan when explaining her hormonal changes.
cunt, bitch, post menopausal
by BGTIII June 6, 2009
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causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable
I can't believe Gina was attracted to that looser, Warren. That was ricuntulous!
by MassageKneads101 August 13, 2008
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