
A feeling of aggression through astrology hoes that get them in the fighting mood because that planets got defensive.
Mars is in retrograde this week, guess I’m fighting with everyone, including myself “
by It’s ya boy SP October 15, 2020
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Retrograde is a retreating motion.

The word retrograde derives from the Latin words retro, backwards, and gradus, step
"Mercury Mercu-Mercury`s in Mercury`s in retrograde" From the Bloc Party song, Mercury.
by Gingerdwarf August 26, 2008
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- refers to movement occuring in a backward direction

- a person who believes the adversity in their lives is caused by the retrograde motion of planetary bodies, esp. citing Mercury as a scapegoat.
- somebody who believes in New Age bullshit; a hippy
"boohoo, i spilled bongwater all over my vegan Spamwich for the second time today. You guys, is Mercury in like, retrograde... or something?"

"my old lady always has the perfect excuse for causing drama; she's a total retrograde."

"Don't be fooled by her appearance. She may dress like she's homeless, but she's just a retrograde."
by wordherder November 12, 2013
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Mercury retrograde

When the planet Mercury appears to travel backward across the sky. These times can cause confusion, delay, and frustration, and unpleasant communications!
Shucks, It's Mercury retrograde from May 29 to June 22 this year...better watch my tongue!
by Lovin3434! June 1, 2021
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retrograde wheelbarrow

A sexual position in which the male (or pitcher) stands behind the female (catcher) and holds her legs up while she holds herself up with her arms in a wheelbarrow-like position, face down. It is in this position that the two engage in thrustings and moanings of sorts.
Male 1 - Dude, my girlfriend and I tried out the retrograde wheelbarrow last night. It was great.
Male 2 - I've gotta try that, soon.
by ryantowelpants November 2, 2007
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Mercury Retrograde

A scapegoat for astrologists to use when shit happens.
Everything in my life is going wrong! It must be Mercury Retrograde.
by Symeli May 29, 2010
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retrograde prick

An insulting and harsher sounding name to sling at a degenerate bastard.
Sir, you are a most retrograde prick.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 27, 2019
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