quite nice but a bit small and a bit mean and a bit too vegetarian and has some pretty stupid opinions
Hey- who said that stupid opinion? probably rangelle
by sillybillly123 March 13, 2018
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Fuck boy who is trash at everything and is dumb as shit and thinks he’s cool but in reality he is retarded incompetent moron who Dick rides everyone
Rangel reminds me of Shit
by Poopalertlol102 February 22, 2019
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Somebody you know who talks about how great they are and everything they do. Yet in reality, they don't do anything. They just tell themselves and everyone else they're amazing.
Adam: "Damn. that guy can't do anything right. He said he can drive a boat better than everyone else yet he destroyed the engine on this one."

Justin: "Duh, he's an incompetent moron, a total rangel."
by everyoneelseinsec September 6, 2012
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a waste of time, of no real value
It was a total rangel to get him to understand
by jim@amat July 20, 2006
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A person who is caring and cares for everybody and considers everyone's opinion. A kind hearted guy.
Samantha : OMG that guy was so nice to me
Jane: Looks like he is a rangel
by Rang master July 24, 2015
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She may be small but she has a big heart (and probably big boobies also). Her smile is like a ray of sunshine that brightens up your day. Her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining. Her touch is like a feather against your skin. Her voice is like a lullaby that sings you to sleep. Her love is like heroin. Her body’s imperfections when put together is a masterpiece. She is the sun. She is the stars. She is comfort. She is a drug. She is art. She is my love.
by vampire gf ;) November 22, 2021
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