The act of rage quitting so dramatically that it leaves a lasting impression on the other players, often accompanied by a barrage of expletives.
"Wow, that guy's ragequitality was next level; he even broke his keyboard!"
by NobleBrains March 30, 2023
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To stop playing a game out of an anger towards an event that transpired within the game.
ProRanDom kills NSPlayer with swipe
NSPlayer: F$#k! hacker!
NSPlayer has left the server
ProRanDom: haha RAGEQUIT!
by cerv March 29, 2005
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v. To quit out of a game because you are either losing, failing, or just plain suck
Jimmy ragequit because he was getting his ass kicked in Street Fighter
by GoldenboyFTW July 16, 2010
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To leave a competitive online game in a rage like an angry child usually complaining about your opponents tactics or your teamates skills.
Player ragequit's team just lost a pvp team battle so true to his name ragequit rage quit proclaiming "my teamates are always n00bs why cant they L2play all my teamates have newb builds"
by athenaminerva February 15, 2009
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1. Leaving a game after being angry.
2. What I actually do on Football Manager after loosing a match with sh*t.
Sh*t! The game is bugged! Sh*t! I'm gonna uninstall it! Sh*t! It's not possible! I loose aganist a 5th Spanish division team with Barcelona! Sh*t! What a sh*t game! I'm gonna ragequit!

*closes the window*
by Gabriponte22 June 20, 2016
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When someone quits a game of anger.
*Jimmy killed by Diamond_L*
Jimmy has left the game.
Diamond_L: Lol ragequit :P
by Hang on January 18, 2016
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