Putangina: I love
Mo: you
Putangina mo: I love you (she/he)
Used to express your love for someone. (Can be used by both genders.)
Example: "Alexander, putangina mo talaga."
Definition: "Alexander, I really love you."
by Zaki ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) April 26, 2022
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Used in greetings, and for being kind and caring. Very useful. Must use.
Putangina mo sir! (Good morning sir!)
Putangina mo bigay ka ng bigay ng assignment! (Do we have assignments today?)
Putangina mo hayop ka leche (Pleasant day to you!)
Putangina mo talaga ah... (You look great today...)
by Putanginang buhay to September 21, 2021
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Puta(ng) means whore
Ina means mother
Mo means you

So basically (Your mother is a whore!)

Pronounce "Puu-tang e-nah"
Kid: I don't understand Tagalog!
by Apersonwhodefinesthibgs May 29, 2021
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putangina is a very creative word. You can use it in any sentence.
putangina mo Kurt napaka bobo mo

Luh putangina?
by November 12, 2021
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