Pussy Power

The vaginal control of a woman over a man AFTER he has hit it and not before. Because EVERY man is stupid before he starts fucking. Thus, any woman who can keep him stupid after he fucks possesses Power of the Pussy. (Hint: not every woman has PP)
Guy 1: Hey, Jay's still with that girl?
Guy 2: Yeah, you bet
Guy 1: I thought he already fucked her?
Guy 2: Yeah, I guess she be having some pussy power over him
by jaylenny September 9, 2009
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Pussy Power

Pussy power is a feminist statement similar to "black power" but for all women regardless of creed of nationality.
by SpringBreak4Life February 11, 2018
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Pussy Power

1) Basically the same as being whipped for a girl, but purely sexually.

2) When a girl is a good fuck and so even the most uncommitted man doesn't want to let her go. Therefore she has pussy power.

3) Power of the pussy.

4) Pussy that is too good to let go of.
A: Where's B?
C: With that girl D.
A: What the girl he wanted to fuck?
C: Yeah.
A: Swear he said that was a one time thing. "Hit and quit" I believe is what he said.
C: Guess she was a good fuck.
A: Ahh, good old pussy power play.
by DO.Chicken October 27, 2019
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pussy power

1. having control over one for having great "pussy"
2.power of women
1.Female #1: girl his ass is paying my bills...
Female #2: thats that pussy power.

2."He called his self tryna get mad girl but i looked at em once"
"pussy power has it's rights,that nigga know better"
by *___b-queen/fuck rabs___* April 13, 2006
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Pussy power

the pussy power is an absolutely amazing privilege and only the people that are slaying can have the privilege.
basic bitches and ugly whores could never.
damn! have you seen the amount of pussy power that girl has? she hits the jackpot!
by Bubba Daniel August 2, 2022
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fat pussy power

when your pussy is so fat it holds great power
Jake: she has that fat pussy power
Brian: whats that?
Jake: bitch look it up
by Hawtbitchtits July 15, 2020
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pussy power

when your pussy is thick asf and destroys all the hoes asf
omg her pussy is so indie asf
its because she has pussy power
by pussy power!😜 December 25, 2020
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