Singular Pronounced puss-ess
A misspelling of pussies that was originally used by people in forums that can't spell good. The word is now used as a joke and as an insult at the same time resulting in much lulz.

Plural is Pussi. Pronounced Puss-eye
90% of people who talk trash on the internet are found to be pusses in real life.

Pusses isn't a word, retard.

It is now.

Good Point.
by nothere413 December 29, 2007
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1. A female cat's pussy.
2. An endearing term for your girl's special area.
3. A not so endearing name for a wimpy or easily scared individual.
My wife was shaving her puss-puss when she noticed our cat Muffy had something sticking out of her puss-puss; but my wife was too much of a puss-puss to see what it was.
by Textacle September 24, 2008
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A person who is scared, easily intimidated and should be made fun of because of it.
"Dude, stop crying, you look like such a puss puss right now." (Then leave him alone crying like the puss puss he is)
by Julian Bukowski May 17, 2009
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refers to the vagina. derived from pussy. used much in the suburbs of melbourne, australia.
just 'puss' can also be used.
a: man im so horny my balls are gonna kill someone when they explode
d: we will go on a hunt tonight to get some puss puss.

d: (after seeing hot girls)sluzzaaasss!!
a: dont yell at em! but fuck i bet she got a nice puss puss.
by a2dabg July 17, 2006
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A really hot teacher that you want to fuck but it’s not legal yet
“Man i wish I could fuck puss puss today her jeans make her fat pussy lips show”
by Osama 69/11 December 16, 2018
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