3 definitions by Textacle


Man's natural bias of blaming a fart on the fattest person in the room...
As long as society continues to indulge in FATULENCE, Porky Patty will always be blamed for Skinny Sally's butt puffs.
by Textacle May 16, 2008
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1. A female cat's pussy.
2. An endearing term for your girl's special area.
3. A not so endearing name for a wimpy or easily scared individual.
My wife was shaving her puss-puss when she noticed our cat Muffy had something sticking out of her puss-puss; but my wife was too much of a puss-puss to see what it was.
by Textacle September 24, 2008
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Kim Kardashian is a vapid, useless cunt who became famous by showing the world her vapid, useless kunt.
by Textacle November 8, 2011
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