In the Late 60s and 70s, Christian Gospel and Rock bands began incorporating Psychedelic Influences in their music, creating a Sub-Genre "Christ-Psych" or Christian Psychedelic Rock. The Use is used in various different locations, Psychedelic Rock often Co-opted with Christian Imagery, Lyrics by (Not Always) Christian Bands.
Person 1: Hey, check out this band I found, It's like Christian Psychedelic Rock!
Person 2: Ah, Christ-Psych
by The Grand Fool of Foolishnesss December 27, 2022
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When you and a friend are up in the middle of the night and decide to message each other at the same time.
Hi b-what the hell you beat me? I think we have a Night Psych Tunnel
by AstroScraps November 26, 2017
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When someone, usually an idiot, chooses to say psyche after something that would probably in retrospect earn them props.

This is usually followed by the idiot saying awww or damn it.
Guy: Guess who got laid last night? I did!!
Friends: Really?
Guy: Psyche!! Haha

Did i do it wrong?
Friend: Psyche regret much?
by dontquoteme123 October 24, 2009
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Like psychic, but removing the connotation that one is blessed with 'visions from God' and more like one who is in tune with the psyche/mind.

A person able to predict events based on human behavior/habits.
I'm not psychic, I'm psyche-ic...I just know what he's like, so I know what to expect.
by Ms.Pouncer May 29, 2013
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A person with psychological problems, especially irrational fears (namely a neurosis).
Most of the women in young adult groups are attractive, kind of hot, and psych jobs.

I wanted to date her until I found out she was a psych job.
by Source of Truth January 8, 2009
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