(v.) To engage in LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Pride Fedstival-related activities, usually in the summer time.
We'll be priding this weekend. How about you?
by Neologian-PJG June 22, 2012
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A gathering of poets for the purpose of exchanging ideas and styles
A pride of poets met at the coffee house.
by Smaug71 January 19, 2015
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full of pride. not to be confused with proud. prideful is negative. whereas proud can be a good thing. prideful is in fact a real word and its first known use is from the 15th century. Although in the 15th century it was synonymous to noble. the meaning has evolved. In what ever way people chose to use this word, the fact remains that it is as word.
Prideful people assume they know what words do not exist in the English language without first checking any sources.
by fivefacegemini April 27, 2012
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The name of a group of lions.

Usually consists of one male and up to 30 females.
The savannah can be home to many different lion pride territories.
by Victoria R May 29, 2006
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1. a feeling of greatness/superiority based on one's origin, often said randomly, ocassionally followed by some sort of secret handshake and/or high five

asian pride, jew pride
Person 1: hey so tell me bout yourself
Person2: well man, im 16 i like hangin wit my homies JEW PRIDE and sometimes JEW PRIDE i do my homework JEW PRIDE
Person 1: uhhhhh, gotta go.way too much pride for me to handle!
by shadow August 19, 2004
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To quote Ayn Rand:

"Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned."
Uh..example? What? Why must I provide an example?
by A equals A April 11, 2005
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Gay and Lesbian Pride. In particular, the celebrations that happen every year commemorating the Stonewall Riots, that usually involve a parade and/or festival.
Robert danced with his husband Phillip at pride.

"Are you going to pride this Saturday?"
"No, I have to work. My boss is a homophobic breeder, and says I can't."
by Sean Daugherty August 7, 2006
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