Somebody who knows everything about Harry Potter, obsesses over it and in general stays up until 5am reading a HP book with a torch, or looking up Harry Potter Forums on Google.

A Potterhead is NOT the following:
Someone who pronounces the spells incorrectly. (e.g; instead of ''Avada Kedavra,'' they would pronounce it as ''Abracadabra!'')
Someone who calls Severus, as in Severus Snape, Snape. Just Snape.

A person who ''fangirls/boys'' about them online, but typing like this: ''OMG I LUV HP SOOOO MUCH LIKE OMG TOTES I LUV EM ALL.''
Someone who has only ever watched the films, and hasn't read the books.
Fake Potterhead: I LUV HP!!!!11 <3
Potterhead: Oh yes, of course you do. What's Ron's middle name?
Fake Potterhead: Weasley!!!1
Potterhead: No! It's Ronald Billius Weasley, therefore the middle name is BILLIUS.

Friend: Hey, dude, do you wanna come and check out my new house?
Potterhead: No, no... *too busy watching HP7 Part 2*.
by Bella Lestrange November 12, 2012
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PotterHead is a word made up by the Harry Potter fandom. It is a word to describe someone who is completely in love (or obsessed) wit the books and films, Harry Potter.
"Wow, she has seen all the Harry Potter films and read all the books. Such a PotterHead!"
by padffoott November 2, 2016
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A person who loves/obsessives over Harry Potter.

Potterhead requirements
~read all books at least twice
~seen all movies at least twice
~spends countless hours online looking at Harry Potter stuff
~has the the deathly hollows symbol all over their stuff.
~has immense knowledge of the books/movies/actors/characters
~reads/writes fan fiction (this varies on the level of Potterheadness)
~Makes Harry Potter references Always
~Are often with some form of Harry Potter related thing
~Ofen use British slang (smashing, git, prat, bloody ect.)
~Are Bloody AMAZING!♥
Potterhead #1~ OMM! (Oh my Merlin) I just L♥VE Hinny!

Potterhead #2~No, no, no. Harmione is the best ship. Kay?

Potterhead #3~ Fat chance. Romione is perf

Non Pottethead~ What is Hinny, Harmione and Romione?

Potterhead #1&2&3~What?

Now you quickly act like you exactly what these Ships are and walk away slowly.
by Potterheadchick March 12, 2014
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a teenage international social group of hardcore Harry Potter fans.
They usually write fanfiction, music (so called Wizardrock) and make any other kind of art.


Being a Potterhead usually has an influence to further life of a teenager.

Many popular writers have an episode in fanfiction.
For example polish writer Ewa Białołęcka or american Cassandra Clare.


Many Potterheads make music called Wizardrock. It's new genere of music in which lyrics are about Harry Potter world.

Two most popular musicals are A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. Star of those performances - Darren Criss - is now in a popular TV show Glee.
Potterheads made A Very Potter Musical. Yeah, Darren Criss was once a Potterhead!

Cassandra Clare wrote fanfiction.
by Arsine Black February 3, 2012
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A Harry Potter fan that gets high on pot, takes any stick on the ground, and recites every spell that comes to high mind or pretends to be any Harry Potter character
That bastard is one hell of a PotterHead!
by Handle is used by someone else September 20, 2021
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