When you are too cheap to buy the nice women's shaving cream, buy the dollar store men's shaving cream instead, and after you shave your legs they smell like your grandfather
I better put some lotion on to cover up my poppie legs!
by lizzierose June 25, 2012
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A dirty poppy is when your confused about your sexuality so you have sex with furry’s while watching anime to explore yourself.
“Damn I’m so down to dirty poppy rn it’s unreal
by Rrats August 1, 2022
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Its when you insert your penis into a cows nose while he licks your balls.
Look over there boys I'll "Poppy Cotton" that bitch
by Hayden n Matty September 8, 2018
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1.Stereotypically, a person seeking to be popular by listening to 'punk bands' and 'heavy metal/goth bands' (the kind on the radio and MTV), only dressing in black, always wanting/wearing tattoos, spikey bracelets, collars, etc., supposedly harbouring violent and sadistic tendencies, but not really accepting any of the good ideas of either goths or punks. Usually found in high schools across North America. Not that there is anything wrong with America, punks, goths, the colour black, rock music, or just plain old self-expression. Just stupid people

2.The 'preps' of the twenty-first century

Poppy Punk
"That poppy goth John/Jean Smith just told me that if I want to study the social hierarchy of Imperial China instead of learning about how Christopher Columnbus found America, I should just move to China with the rest of those'red yellow pink commies'! Then he/she listened to some crappy music on the radio with some pansy screeming about how his daddy didn't hug him enough and hit some kid about 75 pounds lighter than him/herself with that stupid spikey, leather bracelet! Weak!"
by Gandhi, the Tree Wizard June 22, 2004
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A type of Marijuana that is made by cross growing a weed and poppy plant, then laced with opium, which gives an amazing high (Popular in NY and other northeast states)
An O of Poppy Piff coasts around $500
by Mike J0nes March 19, 2008
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Opium. Called "poppy tears" because the opium is harvested out of a plant by making an incision on the immature poppy fruit. The latex liquid runs down the plant, similar to tears.
Hey man, you gonna give me some of that poppy tears?
by FAGGET1541254125125512515 February 25, 2011
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The celebration of extraordinary wit and good spirit, by which life is celebrated with giggles and cheer. Founded firmly by structures of dignity and poise it will surely be a lasting tradition among young collegians the scholastic week before spring break. The creation is sacred but participation is welcomed and shall be rewarded by the Wednesday surprise festivity. This event should be themed at the the discretion of responsible hosts.
The acceptable Princess Poppy opportunities include joshin, as some may say, without exclusion. Please dabble within the bounds of jovial fun.
by "The Elves" March 8, 2010
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