Plungerboard Most commonly associated with the term: PlungerBoarding: Def. - (a) To ride a Broken Taped together Skateboard with a Plunger attatched to it, aswell as Footrests. Riding down large hills is most common: Pl. - Plungerboards.
"Damn, Plungerboarding at 3am is so sweet, this is the best idea ever!"
by Kevin November 27, 2003
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Plungerboard - Often used sitting down to enable the rider to lean side to side to keep controll.
Riding down on a PlungerBoard(TM) There are left and right turns, Useing your legs/upper body to turn around them.
by Marc November 29, 2003
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it is a fun thing to do, unless you wipe out
by me November 30, 2003
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