
A way for laughing (possibly wheezing) using text or even voice
Person 2: Idk lmao

Person 1: pff what 💀
Person 2: don't ask
by Kuuni_ April 18, 2023
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Pff is a french word use to describe whatever, you can replace whatever with Pff on a sentence, it is often use in writting
Ana: You told me to call you and you didn't even answer your phone
Angel: Sorry I didn't see your miss call
Ana: Pff...

Pff you are such bad person
by ultra21 March 22, 2012
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a term used to say i dont care or fuk that shit
"pff yea rite like im gunna do that homework"
by ali April 8, 2004
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An onamatopoetic word to to express mild disagreement and/or displeasure.
JOE: I think I'll vote for Candidate X in the next election.
BOB: Pff! Candidate X sucks.

JANE: Do you want to go see "The Dukes of Hazzard" tonight?
ANN: "The Dukes of Hazzard?" Pff! That movie is for 14 year old boys.
by ryuukuro August 9, 2005
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PFF, as defined by season2 episode 25 of My little Pony Friendship is Magic, stands for Pony Friend Forever. Used by ponys in Equestria for friends they will always have.
"As your PFF I think you are over reacting to your brother's wedding."
by Sidos April 22, 2012
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"OMG that sweater is PFF!"
by Derp....... September 11, 2013
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Stands for Potential Fat Factor. It describes a person (usually female) that although not technically fat, it appears as if it has the potential or tendency to become such. A good indicator for PFF is usually given by observing the subject's mother.
"Kate is cute, but looking at her puffy cheeks and round ass, I get the impression she has some PFF"

"Dude, why did you break up with Sophie?"
"I met her mother and she is HUGE! Turns out Sophie has a lot of PFF"
by zyklus8 March 5, 2010
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