Meaning: I love you, we belong together, we go well together.

Actually a Forrest Gump reference: "We goes together like peas and carrots."
Forrest and Jenny were always taking walks together, they were like Peas & Carrots.

Mary-Jane: "I love you, Harry."
Harry: "Peas & Carrots, Mary Jane!"
by futuristic_testicles July 20, 2008
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Two very close friends. Comes from the movie Forest Gump.
Jenny and Me, we was like peas and carrots.
by Hazey R April 28, 2008
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When you are on stage, but in the background or off to stage left or right and are supposed to be carrying on a whispered/background conversation you continue to repeat "peas and carrots" to each other so the audience sees the lips moving, and can hear the psst-pssts, but cannot understand what you are saying.
Mailman: "peas n carrots peas n carrots peas n carrots peas n carrots" <looks over to Mr Bernard at stage center>

Mrs. talkstoomuch: "peas n carrots peas n carrots peas n carrots peas n carrots" <places hands on hips>
by stagecrew243 December 18, 2008
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peas as in 'peace' adding carrots to the mixture
person a: bye
person b: peas n carrots
by caitlin February 26, 2005
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Afterwards we'll have a few beers, then we'll be painting the town in peas and carrots.
by johnnylongprong January 27, 2009
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