Conservatives giving each other reach arounds over conspiracy theories on Parler.
Kyle and Ken are parleying over Babylon Bee’s post.
by Mbail November 10, 2020
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Before there's any more misunderstanding, let me arrange a parley.
by Jim King December 17, 2004
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A pirate term used in self defence when you don't want to be harmed before you're given a chance to talk to the captain.
Jack Sparrow : Parleley, parlelellyleloooo, par le nee, par...snip, parsley, parno, parley. Parley, that's the one. Parley. Parley!
Pintel : Down to the depths whatever muttonhead thought of "Parley".
Jack Sparrow : That would be the French.
by Tiffy and Lindsay August 22, 2004
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To chill or marinate after workin or some form of activity
Man, I'm bout to go to da house and parley for a minute.
by Showtime12 July 9, 2005
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A derogatory term used to describe a male who is ineffective in many or all aspects of his life.
Bob: Hey, did you get the reports from bill?
Dave: No, I didn't.
Bob: Man, that guy is such a parley!
by Parley99 January 9, 2010
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Parley is a ship that consists of Harley Keener and Peter Parker, from the Marvel universe. Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and Harley Keener is the kid that Tony Stark meets in Iron Man Three.
by crowthemarvelshipper January 10, 2020
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