A magical black and white creature that can fly because it eats dragons. It is also the #3 cause of death in Jurassic Park.
by StupidSalad April 16, 2008
Opana - Oxymorphone is an opioid pain medication. A low-key street name for this drug is "Panda". The rapper known as "Desiigner" won't admit to the true meaning of panda in fear of losing fans.
by Mizzle Medicinal January 11, 2017
A large black and white bear, prone to sneezing fits, during which it is typically indiscriminate about who or what it sneezes upon.
by Leon Grimm July 11, 2008
by LimeMike May 3, 2016
Variant on "bear" from the gay community. A Panda is a big hairy asian gay man. As with other hairy asians, they are very rare.
by DesperatelySeekingPandas April 18, 2011
1. Drunk.
2. Beyond buzzed, but not quite plastered.
Origins: Daemon Hatfield and Greg "The Thrilla" Miller
2. Beyond buzzed, but not quite plastered.
Origins: Daemon Hatfield and Greg "The Thrilla" Miller
by pennstate40 April 1, 2010
Pandas are the cutest animal ever. They are located in china, in the high montans in bamboo forests. They only eat bamboo. They eat about 12 pounds of bamboo everday.
by Pandalover69693 🐼🐼 November 11, 2018