
"He's such a owen"
by Hehe_bitch666 November 9, 2018
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A guy who doesn't get up when he's told too and sleeps in until 12 pm on a FRIDAY! Just do what you have too to get hin to wake up.
Wake Up Owen! Dont sleep in past 9!!!
by Dude2113 May 8, 2020
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Eat your broccoli, or Owen will eat you
by CaitSimp69 November 25, 2018
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A boy who doesn't know what he has until it's gone. He doesn't know the effects of his actions. He's wuite attractive. Normally tall/average and average weight. He is loved by some and hated by some but those who love him really, really care about him. No one really knows his feelings and the people who really care about him try to figure him out but he's always sending mixed signals. He's irresponsible and immature. But, he is fun ro be around. Always cracking jokes. Smart. But, a jerk. Needs to get his crap together before the people who love him get tired of him and all the shit he puts people through. Causes others frequesnt pain, unintentionally. But, he is charming. And the people who love him, are in fact- head-over-heels suckers who love him.
Owen ditched me today.
by iknownames June 19, 2011
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Annoying brat of a brother with mad anger issues. He has so much crackhead energy. He is a monkey
Wow he is a owen
by Fairy__ girl123 June 6, 2020
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A smelly boy who likes playing computer games, has the best taste in girls
Wow Owen you’re such a nerd
by Helloifancyowen April 11, 2020
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Owen is a sweet kind considerate young man who love to send time with the one he loves. He is tall, hot, and blonde hair! Everyone loves him and he gets along with people all of the time. Own is the funniest person you will ever meet and is as innocent as can be. You'll never be happier without an Owen in your life, once you have a friend or loved one named Owen you must keep him in your heart forever. Even though he is shy at first, he will open up and you'll see how great Owen actually is.
Girl #1 - Omg, i went on a date with Owen last night!
Girl #2 - OmG! OWEN IS A BABE!!
by blubers-221 January 14, 2013
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