Nigerian slang when a girl hooks up with the entire team or bunch of individuals. See train
Guy 1: Yo..what happened with Funmi last night after the club
Guy 2: we and the other fellas gave her one nation
by 9jaomo May 1, 2018
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An Australian political party who believe that aboriginal Australians do not have a right to live in australia.
how can any one vote for one nation
I dont know its so racist
by xXAndiXx February 15, 2011
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A great minor political party who stands up for our rights and freedom, and they truely like Australia like UAP, Liberal democrats and much more.
Who are you voting for?
I am voting for Pauline Hanson's One Nation , they truely care about Australia unlike the Labor or greens party.
by G'day:) November 6, 2021
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A nation in a world of it's own, that only serves one bread - sourdough! And if anyone tries to serve any other bread, they'll yeet you from the nation. As only, sourdough is allowed. Bread bitches are welcome!
Person 1: Have you ever heard of one bread nation?
Person 2: It is the only good bread nation and I'll YEET you if you try serve anything but sourdough. Sourdough lovers unite!
by Emeana March 19, 2021
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Slang referring to the act of smoking marijuana.
"Yo dude lets go blaze one for the nation"

"If refer to smoking a joint as "blazing one for the nation" one more time, I will give you a sap covered pink sock. Ok?"
by James The Pain Hoban August 3, 2008
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