a discord server full of lorax loving fans, specifically Onceler simps. it’s crazy and everyone there is horny
user1: hey what discord server should i join?
user2: idk but definitely not oncelers whereabouts, it’s full of more than 600 freaks.
by lostgroceries June 19, 2023
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A big-assed, piece-of-shit, gas-guzzling SUV that should not be allowed to drive on the road.
"Look at that big, ugly Onceler Wagon! Let's egg it!"
e.g. a Hummer . . . or anything that gets under 15 mpg
by wonanee July 3, 2008
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Something that will never happen, ok well.. maybe it would happen-
probably not tho.. but mayb-
Girl 1: Sof x Onceler is the best ship ev-
Girl 2: Absafuckinglutly not.
by sofiasheeeep March 23, 2021
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A fandom phenomina that states, essentially, if a given character in a work has a "good" and "evil" side or persona, the fandom will inevitably create a selfcest ship between the two. Named after the version of the Onceler from the 2012 Lorax film, which famously had a fanbase around the selfcest ship.
I saw some fanart of Simon Keyes from Ace Attorney Investigations 2 shipping him with himself. That's weird.

No, that's just Onceler's Law in action.
by SylentVoidkeeper July 20, 2024
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