3 definitions by lostgroceries

October 31

The saddest anime death in history. The day Kermit is going to kill Elmo. We found his files. He will do it when Elmo comes to Kermits to trick or treat
It’s October 31st

Kermit: *kills elmo* Also Kermit: *takes elmos Hershey bars*
Donald Duck: *duck noises*
YouTube: Kermit killed Elmo....
Also YouTube with a thumbnail of dead Elmo: Top 10 saddest Anime Deaths
by lostgroceries October 26, 2019
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oncelers whereabouts

a discord server full of lorax loving fans, specifically Onceler simps. it’s crazy and everyone there is horny
user1: hey what discord server should i join?
user2: idk but definitely not oncelers whereabouts, it’s full of more than 600 freaks.
by lostgroceries June 19, 2023
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November 13th

It’s yeet Joe and William day.
*joe and William are hanging out on November 13th*
Alex: Guess what day it is?

Joe: what....
Alex: *yeets them to the sun*
Another dude: The sun is brighter today...
by lostgroceries October 26, 2019
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