The beautiful ancestral tongue of the English people. It is a West Germanic language, which first arrived in the British Isles with the Anglo-Saxons, and it shares common roots with German, Dutch and Flemish. Its closest relative is the Frisian language of the northern Netherlands.
by Brimwylf September 15, 2005
Old English, My crunk Juice
by JonnyC April 15, 2005
the perfect drink for unemployed canadians like me. 8% alcohol(CAN) 7.5(USA). after this, beers taste like spring water
by brodizzle January 7, 2004
a malt liquor made by the Olde English 800 brewing company in Milwakee Wisconson. Popuar with ghetto youths, bums and alcoholics for its high alcohol to price ratio.
man i drank to fourties and ended up shooting my sugar ray into her purple star. (see dictionary for other definitions)
by Pubert Qubert Quakenbush April 4, 2003
A malt liquor formerly brewed by pabst,i think its its own company now... 7.5% alchoholic content. It usually comes in 40 oz bottles and costs aywhere from 2.00- 3.00 dollars.
King of malt liquors.
King of malt liquors.
by REED April 8, 2003
Shit tacos in a bottle. This horrific brand of malt liquor is sold most popularly in 40oz. glass bottles and is generally priced in the neighborhood of 3 bucks. Considering that the alcohol conent of this beverage is about 8% the price to booze ratio is favorable for those in dire financial straights. The recomended method of consumption is to drink all 40oz. in a hurry and then wait for the party to begin. Unfortunatly, the hangover that results from Olde English is akin to being run over by a Cadilac Escilade packed with over weight gangsters.
Dude, I was down to my last few bucks last night but I wanted to get ripped so I bought a 40 of Olde English and pounded that mother.
by Don_Vito December 13, 2009
by BanginShorty4 August 13, 2006