“Why he ourple” “oh that’s just Michael
by Majjj00 February 6, 2022
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typo of purple really funny actually
"and why he ourple 😂"
by gaylord6942069 December 7, 2021
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guy 1: ayo why he ourple

guys 2: he aint ourple b8tch he jus got sum scoliosis fr
by Catbarf February 9, 2022
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ourple guy (misspelling of purple guy) is a guy who is ourple

that is all
person one: yo who is that ourple guy
person two: and why he ourple?
ourple guy: *kills both of them*
by MarshyMarshmello January 5, 2023
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When you kill specifically 69 children or you drink a bag of butter its a certified ourple moment
"yo bro"
"i just had an ourple moment"

"d̴̰̞̤̤̦̫̍̀̓̌̀͐̉̆ͅi̶̡̠̟̗̠̬̲̭̪͆̋̓͒̎̓̒̕h ̧͇̯̪̲͉̺̼̬͉͂́̋͌̏ǎ̴̡̖̝̬̠̘̳͉̉̏̒̌͐̾͜d ̛̛͚̥̻̪̩͊̍͌͊̿̇̐͘v̶̬͐̍̓̍̈́͌́͋͒̂w̵̖̥͍͚̲͍̳̑a̶̛͛̑́̅́͛ͅi ̨̢̺̝͚̠͓̤̱̋͋̀͂͐͐̽͝ͅy̵͉̒́̈̃͘̚̕d ̛͍̻͖̲̞̩̱͊̏̋̑̐̀̕͜g̶͚͆̾͊͘̚͠͝a̶͔̳̬̜̳̿͛͘͘͘͜"
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michael afton's neighbours' reactions to his body rotting and gradually turning ourple day to day until he eventually dies
neighbour 1: guys i think something is wrong with michael
neighbour 2: and why he ourple 😂
by gurhrhggr February 17, 2022
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