
To make oneself to look like the biggest jackass in the universe, for example, when someone makes a great effort to shut someone down by making themselves seem very smart.

For example, nullify means, to nullify your coolness.
Dude, way to nullify. Pull your pants from your face.
by Lee-King December 13, 2010
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The act of, in a massive burst of rage, gain unnatural abilities and utterly destroy the person or object that is annoying you.
jim: this computer is really annoying me. stupid windows vista.
george: how about you NULLIFY YOUR OPPONENT!!!
jim: (shoots frickin laser beams out of his eyes, NULLIFYING THE CRAP OUT OF the computer).

don't forget to NULLIFY YOUR OPPONENT!!!
by nullifier!!! November 9, 2009


a group of a bunch of wangan players from texas who spend their whole lives into one game
holy fuck! it's a •Nullify member!!
by LoLC@T October 25, 2023
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Someone who has been nullified from existence. Forced into non existence.
Stalin nullified a lot of people on photos of the ussr.
by nullified-anonymous May 30, 2022
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Nullified is the meaning of someone completely forgetting their identity due to an accident or drugs, nullified can also mean that the person in question has been completely wiped from Society or someone’s life without a trace.
by Eyesofnull December 25, 2022
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A person who likes to do gun fight training's but not that good at Gun fighting
Bovack: What a mess you'r a Nullify!
RmanNuudles: I'm sorry forgive me
by OhRayosRobert! October 31, 2018
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