by how you doin afafasffafasfhrj6 November 16, 2012
by JWormie June 20, 2011
To open a beer can and only take one sip. Usually done by kids at high school parties who just want to act like they drank a beer to be cool. Should be considered as a waste and most likely tried for treason.
He totally noyed that beer.
Ben doesn't want to drink alcohol, so as to attempt to impress his friends, he will noy a beer.
Ben doesn't want to drink alcohol, so as to attempt to impress his friends, he will noy a beer.
by Mister Winter December 6, 2009
by Babees. September 28, 2011
Short for anNOYing! Or a girl who acts like an angel around men just to get their attention, when in reality she is a stuck up, crazy bitch. Not many people like this girl because she uses everyone and is honestly very boring to hang out with.
by charles taperman March 28, 2010
by Excalbur June 12, 2004