
Not white
1: "I'm non-white."

2:" *gasp*
1: " What?"
by A man bun July 28, 2017
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anyone straying from the traditional white-male dominated society in America.
Non-white populations in America are treated unjustly.
by HammerChe November 7, 2008
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Non white

Non whites are smelly nonces that like it up the bum
Non whites are sensitive as fuck lol especially them Asians Asians cum in kids Asians men are parasites that ejaculate 50 times a day of 10 year old white girl porn
by Scottishboi12346 September 25, 2022
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non-white privilege

(n.) A fictitious thing that doesn't exist in all recorded time periods preceding the present. Characterized by failing to be an actual thing and failing to be real. Occasionally alluded to when people of anglosaxon descent suggest that 'diversity enrichment' or 'affirmative action' are the cause of a minority's success, as opposed to their unquestionable hardwork and refined skillset. Basically, in the words of our great vice president, a hot, steaming load of malarky.
One day while petting my miniature pet tiger in my penthouse made of polished diamonds, someone subtly suggested I achieved my high power job at my fortune 500 firm via non-white privilege. I paused, then quickly retorted, saying 'That shit's fictitious. Read Kulushi's entry on urban dictionary: that's not even a *thing*.' As they walked away, clearly disgruntled, I cheerfully said 'BYE FELICIA'. I then continued my successful life of disregarding females, acquiring currency and being the inherently badass minority I am.
by Kulushi November 20, 2014
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Non whites

Non whites hate white people yet swim to white countries non whites are woke left wing square headed freaks that spread offensive bs about whites online but if whites done it back they would have a meltdown. Non whites wear socks up to their shins and sandals while giving underaged white girls facials while shaking and moaning and poo flying out their non white bum. Non whites stick their faces in the bum of alexis Texas while shaking and moaning non whites are annoying hypocrites and their ugly freaks
Non whites are over privileged freaks white women are privileged to non whites get money for nothing ironic how they call everyone privileged non whites yet non whites are more privileged than anyone whether it’s online moderation housing benefits tax government sucking them of it’s disgusting I hope they honestly just die racist pieces of shit that call whites pedos or other disgusting stuff even though they are
by Nonwhitesaresquareheadedpedos February 16, 2024
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Non white washing

Non whites are square headed left wing nigger lovers that hate whites yet swim to white countries. Non whites wear socks up to their shins and sandals while giving underaged white girls facials while shaking and moaning and poo flying out their non white bum their filthy bald shit stains these non whites. Also non whites spread offensive bs online about whites but if whites done it back to non whites they would have an anger meltdown. Non whites stick their faces in the bum of Alexis Texas the pornstar while their shaking and moaning and wearing socks up to their shins and sandals. their annoying shit stains their hypocrites non whites want you to feel bad for being white something you can’t control
Non white washing is non whites not washing their bum which they don’t and they rub their skid marks on kids faces giving them diseases their bold to they have no hair apart from the side of their head. Pedophile is non whites also non whites are over privileged freaks that get free money free housing their privileged in online moderation non whites are privileged in everything yet call whites privileged their pathetic square headed left wing nigger loving shit stains white women are privileged to not as much as them though non whites also need to take down ur post because their feelings are hurt yet they spread offensive bs about whites online their fat hairy shit stains these non whites. Non whites wear them rugby looking autism helmets.
by Nonwhitesaresquareheadedpedos February 16, 2024
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