The New International Version. A very popular, and fairly accurate, translation of the (Christian) Bible.
Look! I just got my NIV from Church!
by Brian December 10, 2003
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Niv is an amazing guy. Probably the best one you’ll ever meet in your entire life. The kind of person that will be there for you, no matter what will happen, will hold you tight as you both conquer the world world together. The kind of person you can imagine your life with, knowing you made the right choice. He is a lifetime of experiences. Living next to him will secure your happiness and joy. Make sure you hold onto this guy, he is a total keeper.

There’s a future full of great love, happiness, adventures and pure joy with this guy a head of you. This person will not let you go until you smile. He will make you feel that a day without him is a bad day. He is the one that will stand by you no matter what. Don’t let him get away
by lolhehexd November 23, 2021
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by BIGPAPI54 March 26, 2018
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From the Finnish words "Nauran/Naurattaa Ihan Vitusti", meaning "Laughing like fuck", essentially equivalent of LOL.
Look I'm goatse!
by Pyllyvekkuli August 14, 2007
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1. nivea visage lip conditioner

2. a character in the all so popular story me and my cousin made about stuff from my pockets and some straws..
niv-dog, wanting to keep his identity secret but knowing he had to protect his friends, transformed into LIGHTSAVER DOG!
by ashimattack February 9, 2008
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An commonly used attachment in the popular video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which shows an enemies heart beat as a red dot on a sensor. Most commonly used amongst 'Nivens' to locate an enemy.
Hey guys, I've got my Niv-beat sensor equipped.
by eliteskillzzz April 2, 2010
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