an epic drink made from mixing cheap beer, eggnog, and chocolate mix. gets its name from the eggnog and black people-colored powder mixed into it. commenly found in the homes of adolescents in new england
noah: dude i totally invented a new drink
sam: what is it?
noah: Nig Nog, of course
by nigger on a horse May 27, 2010
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A term of endearment or greeting used warmly by two friends being careful around PC people who dislike the "N" word.
My best friend, my "Nig-nog" is coming over.
by LeopoldStotch911$$ December 27, 2010
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That black guy was drinking his nig nog while trying to fix his tv.
by SomeFatNig October 29, 2010
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A word invented by Idaho skinheads as a racial slur against blacks. Not funny or witty except among skinheads up North.

Rarely if ever used in the South, where the blacks actually live. Down there the popular insults are coon, nigger, jigaboo or porch monkey.

Skinhead: "Oi, mate. Them bloody nig nogs were listening to there raga music again."

White Southerner: ????
by Assex 776 October 6, 2007
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