A little twerp who always needs his friends help. He has a big mouth and is way too confident for his own good.
Naruto, you really are a loser.
by HappyDestroyer5k November 23, 2020
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A stubborn ninja that is so cute that has blonde hair blue eyes he has a crush on Sakura Haruno and is always active.
Person 1) Man Naruto is so cute 😍

Person 2) He is stubborn tho.
by Jdhrvr October 10, 2021
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is the best protagonist and anime to ever exist and nothing comes close
guy 1: yo what u watching
guy 2: *watching naruto* oh I'm watching the best show in all of fiction
by iceyylol September 10, 2021
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A big fuckin' shitty anime for kids.
Gay dude: Hei guys have you seen the last episode of Naruto
Normal dude: I'm not a lonley faggot
Gay dude: But I will become the hokage of this primary school
Normal dude: *punch that gay dude in the face*
by Grrimoire April 21, 2018
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someone probable :mid me: omg no way is that a naruto refernce
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A long anime where a boy wants to become Hokage. Why is naruto so long? BECAUSE all them god for Saken background checks.
Boy 1: what anime should I watch?
Boy 2: well if you like long useless anime’s then naruto’s the one.
by Ik a lot about stuff February 13, 2022
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