The term derives from South India where nakhu is to lick and muddi is asshole. When combined with Latin, the pronunciation is muddis nakhis. Often used as an insult in terms of frustration or to represent “fuck you”, “suck my dick” , or "suck my ass" but instead “muddis nakhis”
Dude 1: Dude I banged your girl last night
Dude 2: Dude wtf. Imma beat yo muddi. Muddis nakhis.
by Poopsie6969 December 4, 2018
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Sarcastic, observing, and sometimes judgemental. The therapist friend.. She's always the person you'll have a heart to heart convince with. Emotional, but not emotional. Cute, short-tempered, and weird
"So you don't know What 1+1 equals?"Nakhi
by November 22, 2021
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