She is god. She is poggers. She is your babe. She is everyone's type. She is also a hot guy magnet.
Build a nithya a shrine for clear skin
Me: yes like u(rmom) 😏
by urchammakchallo November 20, 2021
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She is god. She is also super poggers. She is ur babe and a total hot guy magnet. She also very very hot and smart.

Build a shrine for nithya for clear skin
nithya babe..
by urchammakchallo November 20, 2021
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someone who is incerdibly intelligent ig, and is obsessed with nature, the nithyas can provide incredible information for anything u ask them ( not really ) nithyas often think of themselves as worthless rags. and are good at giving advice ig, nithyas are also capable of being hella annoying. but its fine bc they annoy you with facts uh yea.
Boy 1: how do you water a cactus

Nithya: Water your forest cactus as a normal houseplant during the summer months and when the buds begin to show. Only water when the soil seems dry to the touch during the resting period. As with succulents and desert cacti, forest cactus should not be watered heavily during the rest period. Root rot will result.
Boy 1: shut up
by .sce_ July 15, 2021
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one of the smartest people you will meet in your life. people with this name are amazing and so talented. they have straight A's and work smart not hard.
person: Hi nithya! I wish i could be like you, you are such a smart person and are a genius! How can someone be so talented!?!
by pessimisticpig January 5, 2022
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Nithyas are amazing, awesome, and extremely funny. Nithya can be loyal, but tends to annoy her friends sometimes. Nithya has many friends, but has a close-knit group that she loves and cares about.
Guy:"Did you see Nithya today?"
Guy: "Yeah, her outfit was AWESOME."
by hmwhatshouldiputhere January 8, 2012
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Nithya is a very spicy hot person. She is a bad ass motherfucker. She is very sweet and kind tho. Nithya's are usually very very talented. You can bitch about anyone to her and she will make sure that person stays in control. Gives the best advice about love. But remember they are also human that can't fix all your problems to be there for them too. Nithya's are gorgeous and never ever let go of them
Guy: damn nithya looks hot
Person: Ik right?!
by MISSSTEALYOMAN September 11, 2017
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Nithya is eternal. She is a kindred spirit. She is funny, cute and weird most of the times and tends to talk a lot. Literally, a lot (random bs). She overthinks as well as over complicates stuff. She has amazing scope for imagination. She is crazily talented in various forms of art. Nithya always lends her shoulder to you no matter what. You have always got her when there is nobody. She's a goddess. Love her. Cherish her.
Somebody : Hey! Who is Nithya?
Me : Nithya. Nithya, man she is a goddess. A blessing, perhaps.
by Tara's_Adi November 23, 2021
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