My handle

Pseudonym; a fictitious name or a nickname a person goes by.
My handle on Snapchat is Maverick22.
by Dinito1 September 12, 2016
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handle my lightweight

What a hood person says when he/she wants someone to handle his/her lightweight it means they want you to fight a battle for them essentially a small ass person that is not a challenge or they feel they must not condescend to a bitches level.
Aye bruh handle my lightweight before I fuck up my shoes
by stonie man February 24, 2011
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handle my business

To masterbate or play with oneself.
"I was so fucking horny, I had to handle my business."
by HotDyke August 2, 2006
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I expect a man to be okay with me being inappropriate in my relationship because I am an immature irresponsible little girl who is good for nothing and cannot give anything to a man. I could possibly be cheating but I was raised by a demon monkey mother who taught me that bullshit
*Posts picture 1/2 naked*

I need a man secure enough to handle my Instagram
by Light Guardian September 30, 2018
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