
Rides unicorns everywhere with his hair flowing majestically in the wind.
Dude A: Bro is that a unicorn with a guy on it.

Bro A: Yeah dude don't you know Murray, he's got the most voluptuous hair.
by Murraywiththenicehair November 21, 2021
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Best Boy Ever Plays Roblox All Night If He Can.
Wow Murray is Sill Up At
by lemonlover69420 May 12, 2022
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a murray

When you take your finger, preferably the index finger of your dominant hand, and stick up your ass then rub it under the nose of a unsuspecting friend... More appropriate if the friend has an unususually large nose.
Man after practice Brad walked over to Davey and teased his upper lip a Murray
by JJSkidz February 19, 2018
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All of the murray's branch off from one murray. The name of this murray is John. He carry's all of the murray traits as all of the other murrays have pieces of him. Nobody ever wants to be a murray as they are smelly, greasy, fat, lazy, and retarded.
by fatkudiballs June 5, 2011
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Sam and Mindy had a great night last night. Such a Murray
by PerezA69 December 2, 2011
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1. The smell of a hairy, sweaty ball sack.
2. The act of being a hairy, sweaty ball sack.
3. The feeling of hairy, sweaty ball sack.
4. The taste of hairy, sweaty ball sack.
5. a city in N Utah, S of Salt Lake City. 25,750.
dude, that bong water smells murray!

by aimee and tegan September 17, 2008
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1)a simple word used to describe or name anything in the world.
2)a very masculine name for a man.
3)a large warm turd.
4)a indigenoues person from the land down under.
look at my murray. hey nice murray. thats a big murray. im goin to murray. ur a murray. murray is a nice name for that young fish. i layed a murray on ur mums vagina. look at that murray eatin a kangaroo.
by Spato sam July 26, 2006
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