Murray is a piece of shit douche with sociopathic tendencies such as compulsive lying and basically creating an entire fake personality for himself to convince himself he's actually a good person. He will cheat on you and then continue to tell you he loves you and meet your family and manipulate you into sex and then break up with you and blame it on you. He's thinks saying the n word isn't racist and is 100% homophobic.
You're dating Murray!? What the hell is wrong with you?
Why? I thought he was a nice dood?
Yeah I did too..he's a psychopath with a fake personality and only wants sex.
Omigosh! I gotta dump him immediately!
Get is sister
Why? I thought he was a nice dood?
Yeah I did too..he's a psychopath with a fake personality and only wants sex.
Omigosh! I gotta dump him immediately!
Get is sister
by shr00mchild August 11, 2020
Oh my god, you need to be more careful! I almost murrayed you!
What's murraying ?
Shooting a zombie but then it turns out to be a person.
What's murraying ?
Shooting a zombie but then it turns out to be a person.
by NonameFTW December 28, 2019
by William Dobbie August 27, 2007
Any hairy ball sack who listens to Trivium
by CANDRACULA March 26, 2009
a ego driven young man, who excels at brown nosing. also has ability to write things online as if they know the whole story. Often has silly nick names,"Big gay bird" "big dodo head",to show the true cuddly nature of this brute beast.
by 706 November 21, 2006
A way to describe a scungy bystander. Developed from the characteristics of the Murray river in Sydney (scungy).
by Alex Quantashassle June 25, 2005
by janet peterson June 5, 2007