A surname from medi-evil Prussia meaning 'unofficial ruler over land.'
These families will often go out of their way to help others, but will not hesitate to crush those who challange their authority or tarnish their name. Anyone with this surname should be treated with caution, respect and dignity.
These families will often go out of their way to help others, but will not hesitate to crush those who challange their authority or tarnish their name. Anyone with this surname should be treated with caution, respect and dignity.
Morrow, L
Morrow, S
Morrow, S
by Extraman April 4, 2010
by Cole Clark May 30, 2005
the practice of posting items shared in a company chat room to twitter immediately, and without sufficient attribution to the original sharer.
Did you see that link i shared in the chatroom?
No, but i saw it on twitter just now.
Oh man, someone must have Morrowed it!
No, but i saw it on twitter just now.
Oh man, someone must have Morrowed it!
by the morrower January 27, 2012
A very handsome person who likes experimenting as well as experiencing new things. Are usually idiots.
by Johnny Handson April 20, 2019
The unique emotional sensation experienced immediately after the title music starts on the main menu of TES Morrowind or during and/or immediately after one of the numerous load screens therein.
by mwb52888 May 22, 2011
Mostly applicable when playing billiards. To play a shot with with no knowledge of the outcome, or using excessive force when uncalled for. Named after the famous billiards/barrista extrordinaire.
Forget this, I'm just going to "morrow" it. Or you really "morrowed" it that time. Or give it a real "morrowing".
by friend_of_the_morrow September 15, 2010
The process of speaking to each level of management within a business in order to arrive at the best possible deal.
by Kurto2021 January 30, 2009