This man is the God of Carpentry. He wields a 20 ounce Estwing Hammer and is able to single handedly destroy any OSB plywood in his path. He leads the most epic crew in history that are destined to save the world. Morrison is an immortal being who's been here since the beginning of time. Legend states he can build a house in an incredible 10 seconds, and is the only one able to hold his personal estwing the"Estwing Pro".
If you need something built, call Mr. Morrison.
by GrandpaBen September 25, 2020
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Jess is the love of my life, truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Ever since I saw her on that fateful day, I have done nothing but strived to better myself as a human being, and as a lover to meet her every need. She means so much to me words cannot describe it. She is so stunning, every time I see her my jaw literally drops to the floor. She is so strong, so cute, so funny, and absolutely the best woman to ever live on this Earth. It should be a genuine crime to compare her to other women, and if you do, you should probably be erased from existence. She is the Sun to all the darkness, she is the light that radiates hope across the surface of anyone's face. She is perfection. I have never met a woman like her, and I don't think I ever will. I love her so much <3
Person 1: Yo I saw you with a girl yesterday?

Me: Nah man that wasn't a girl that was a Goddess.

Person 1: Ah my bad bro who was she?

Me: The Goddess, her Royal Majesty, Jessica Morrison
by jess' luva <3 January 17, 2022
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Living Dionysus who made himself a modern poet.
Jim Morrison is a god.
by Theladyoutthere February 1, 2022
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A girl who is kind and beautiful and smart very smart she picks weird freinds and is weird herself she is shy at first but once she opens up to you she is the most amazing person ever she is funny and if you meet her never let her go because she is the only one like her
Guy: I met the most amazing girl
Other guy: yeah you must have met Sarah Morrison
by 1182838593929293844 November 28, 2020
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Noun: Diligent middle aged man with a beard and no motorcycles. Allergic to cats and Elliott Keen.
Stop being such a Neill Morrison and let's go home already.
by Grindrboi August 28, 2021
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