a cool tomboy girl, usually short for Melissa or Melony. she likes to hang with the boys and often doesn't have many girl-friends. hot.

girl-nextdoor type that anyone would like to spend their life with.
"man...that mel is great. she plays video games and watches football with me, yet she is still so hot! I want to be with her!"
by Hank J. Miller January 9, 2008
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my favouritist person in the whole wide world. universe. as big as we can go........
dear lord. that mel is the greatest. even though that she caught me with an fake scottish accent, she still accepts me for the american that i am . what a mel.
by rhondabloodycivic October 27, 2007
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mellow , laid back, low key bish, no matter how much you provoke them you cannot make a MEL person angry
Melody was so MEL everyone called her a MELOBISH because nothing made her angry , you could not piss her off no matter what you did
by Dollie Pop November 22, 2011
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A description of a rather slow day or period of time. The combination of relative and mellow.
by one604 April 9, 2013
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The most hot guy in the world. Biggest dick humanity can have. He rules the world with his charms, abs, dick and beautiful face.
This boy has beautiful eyes, I think he's a mels
by Pussydestroier February 25, 2017
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An awesome person who's probably the best person you've ever seen or heard of. A guy named Mels, usually has black or dark brown hair, is intelligent, nice, sexy and great. You're very lucky if you've ever met a guy named Mels.
He's Mels= He's awesome
by Melsyo January 31, 2014
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